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Horoscope Libra

Horoscope Libra

Horoscope Libra People are born from September 22 to October 22. The ruler of their sign is Venus, a planet nicknamed Little Happiness in astrology.




Venus represents love and the female gender. It gives serenity, gentleness of heart and kindness. The Venus People are mostly unencumbered by complexes, mild and cordial. They have extremely good taste, and they find their joy in everything that is beautiful. They are usually great optimists who create a natural and relaxing atmosphere around them. Yet, under the influence of other planets, even Venus People can prove to be immoral, wasteful and reckless.




Libra Horoscope

Being the Venus People, the Horoscope Libra People are cheerful and lively. They have a very warm heart. They hate every quarrel and strive for peace and harmony. Their sense of justice is so highly developed that injustices, which have nothing to do with them, can throw them off balance. Because of their sense of humor and cheerful mood, they are a favorite in society. They have a lot of sense of beauty and are very easily delighted.




They love their home. It is a real pleasure for them to make it beautiful and harmonious. That is why they gladly receive guests. Because they know how to create a warm and cozy atmosphere, we always feel good and at home in Horoscope Libra People places. If they disagree with someone’s opinion, the Libra People quickly give in because they value their peace above all else. They have a great taste and sense of art, especially music. They don't find it pleasing when they have to make decisions.



Unfortunately, with the bad influences of other astrological aspects, the Horoscope Libra People can become infinitely careless and wasteful. They just enjoy the fun and become arrogant. Appearance then play a major role. Instead of enthusiasm, fanaticism occurs. Due to indecision, they easily fall under bad influence, and in addition can become fickle and insincere.




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